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The World Cup with Moroccan Eyes

Now that the world cup has ended with France as winner, it’s time to watch how Moroccans reacted to its events from what I’ve seen on the streets and what I heard from people and what was trending on social media. Everything started after the referee whistle at the end of the game of Morocco against Côte d’Ivoire in Abidjan declaring that Morocco is one of the 5 nations representing Africa in the World Cup. A draw would have been enough for the Moroccan national team, but they players went to Côte d’Ivoire with one goal in mind: win the game and prove that they deserve their ticket to Russia. Just after the game the streets in all Moroccan cities were filled with people celebration this win by chanting songs. Morocco didn’t sleep that night. Moroccan people waited for this achievement for 20 years since Morocco didn’t put a foot in the World Cup since 1998 in France. It was even more special for me and my generation since I was born in 1999 and never seen such accompl...

The Fastest

   He is the fastest man who ever lived on this planet, of course you know I am talking about, Usain Bolt. It makes me really sad to think about this, but the end of his career is right around the corner. That's why I want to writ today about him reconizing all what he did for sports and for track and field. 
   First, his talent was very obviose since a young age. He comes from Jamaica; a country that is well known for its world class athlets espacialy sprinters. In 2003, at world youth championchips in athletics hosted by Canada, Bolt at the age of 15 drew a pattern in sprint world by breaking the record of the championchip which he still hold till now.
   After that, athletics fans kept eye on him during several years till he made it to the olympics of Beijing 2008 as one of the favorits to take the olympic gold and they weren't disapointed. Bolt broke both the 100 meter and 200 meter records whithout forgetting the world record of 4x100 meters with his national team.
   This is great but the best is yet coming. At the world championships in Berlin 2009 Bolt make history again breaking his own records and again in both of the disences 100 and 200 meters, the records that he still hold, 9.58 at 100 and 19.19 at the 200. This time he didn't break the record of 4x100 but he and his teammates took the first place and the second best time in history. 
   And what came after is just a history. The guy prevented the best sprinters in the world from holding the olympic gold in three olympic games in row, making a tripel tripel. I know that there were a lot of talking about the gold medal of men's 4x100 meters in Beijing but Bolt is always going to be holding 9 olympic gold medals in the hearts and the minds of his fans all around the world.
   9 olympic gold medals, 11 gold medals in world championships, 3 world records and many other achievements make Bolt one of people who didn't just change athletics but sports beside great legendes as Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Pele and many others. 


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